At a two-day Transform IT retreat held by Jessie Minton, chief information officer, the group of 50 attendees generated excellent discussion and deliverables.
The early October retreat was attended by faculty, staff, administrators, students, and IT staff.
On Monday, October 1, workshop attendees reviewed the university’s values, mission, and goals, developed a set of values to guide future Transform IT projects, discussed those values and how they fit with university values and goals, and then incorporated those conversations into the development of principles for Transform IT.
The same afternoon, the first draft of the Campus Engagement report was released. The report, which details the results of the Campus Engagement project’s service inventory efforts, was incorporated into the activities for the retreat’s second day.
On Tuesday, October 2, attendees discussed the advantages and disadvantages of structuring specific services as enterprise (e.g. campus-wide), hybrid, or specialized (offered only at the department level). During these discussions, project staff collected the key points discussed at each of the tables and will synthesize those key points into a summary.
The principles, values, and table discussions will be summarized and presented to the Transform IT Steering Committee (SeeĀ Steering and Service Transition Committees to Guide Upcoming Projects for more information.) At this meeting in November 2018, the Transform IT Steering Committee will receive recommendations on re-envisioning up to four services: desktop support and helpdesk, storage and backups, website hosting, design, and development, and business applications.