News and Information about the University of Oregon's Transform IT Program
Category: Uncategorized
Campus Engagement meetings continue
As noted in the project’s calendar and schedule, the project managers and business analyst continued holding meetings with groups from across campus in April and into May. The calendar entries reflect the start of the project’s engagement with the group noted. Each engagement generally follows this general checklist:
- Pre-fill Spreadsheet/CEQ with any Current Data
- Forward SI Spreadsheet to Unit Manager
- Spreadsheet Returned by Unit Manager
- Update CE Questionnaire with SS update (“Ready”)
- Make Appointment
- Interview Date
- Transcribe Interview
- Compare Interview with Spreadsheet (highlight any gaps)
- Send Spreadsheet/CEQ (optional) to Unit Mgr. to Validate
- Get Validated Documents back from Unit Mgr.
- Transfer data to Master Data Sheet
- Finalize all Unit CE Interview Docs in OneDrive
This project’s schedule was updated in April and will be revised (and posted here) as needed.
Customer Engagement project schedule revised
The Customer Engagement project managers, Garron Hale and Tony Saxman, have revised the Customer Engagement project schedule to accommodate reschedule requests and to incorporate a number of new groups identified since the first schedule was built.
Campus Engagement Project Interview Process Diagram
March 16 Town Hall on Transform IT
Jessie Minton, CIO and Vice Provost for Information Services, presented to the campus community updates on Transform IT and IT Governance at a Town Hall meeting on Friday, March 16. For more information about this meeting, see Slides from March 16, 2018.
Project Management and Business Analyst Team
Most of the project management and business analysis team has been hired and working on Transform IT. (In December, we shared news about the searches under way for project managers and business analysts.) Those searches resulted in the hires of Heather Dean and Kelsey Lunsmann as IT Business Analysts.
Currently, the Transform IT project team is comprised of:
Campus Engagement Project Holds First Interviews
- Tuesday (2/20): interview with the IT director from the College of Design and School of Journalism and Communication
- Wednesday (2/21): interview with the IT director from the School of Music and Dance
These meetings use follow-up questions to clarify information provided using the campus engagement template.
See Transform IT Enters Execution Phase with Campus Engagement Project for schedule and more information.