The Campus Engagement project is nearing completion and people are understandably curious about what will come next and how to get involved.
The Campus Engagement project will produce a report that will help inform the next set of Transform IT projects. To determine which services should be offered on an enterprise basis and how to implement changes, we will use community-based governance in the form of a Transform IT Steering Committee and service transition committees.
The Transform IT Steering Committee will review and approve any proposed service changes, and service transition committees will guide respective service transitions.
Transform IT Steering Committee
The newly-formed Transform IT Steering Committee is comprised of:
- Jessie Minton, chair
- Adriene Lim
- Jamie Moffitt
- Kyle Henley
- Roger Thompson
- Joe Sventek
- Angela Wilhelms
- Brad Shelton
- David Conover
- Missy Matella
- Juan-Carlos Molleda*
- Sara Nutter*
- Ben Brinkley **
- Dave Gibson, classified employee
- Kyler Nunen, student
(List updated with names of new members on October 15, November 13, and November 14, 2018)
* These members will rotate with other deans every nine months.
** This member will rotate with other IT directors every six months. The IT directors from College of Design, School of Journalism and Communication, and School of Music and Dance are not eligible to serve in this role.
Service Transition Committees
When a service is identified be modified, a Transform IT service transition committee will be created. That committee will be comprised of people who use the service and staff who deliver that service and provide strategic and operational guidance to each transition project. Since the services to transition have not yet been determined, these groups will be formed later in 2018.