CIO Releases Draft of Guiding Principles for Transform IT

Jessie Minton, vice provost for Information Services and chief information officer, with input from campus stakeholders, has drafted guiding principles for Transform IT, the university’s program that will rationalize the use of information technology resources on campus to better support the University of Oregon’s strategic academic and research missions.

In addition to setting guiding principles for Transform IT, Minton outlines a high-level implementation strategy for this program.

See Transform IT Principles and Implementation 8.24.17 (PDF) for more details on both guiding principles and implementation strategy. Please send feedback to

Minton is seeking feedback on the guiding principles and implementation strategy by Thursday, Aug. 30 at 5pm. The guiding principles will be the focus of the Town Hall on IT scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 31. (See IT town hall meeting on Aug. 31 for details of that meeting.)

IT town hall meeting on Aug. 31

The campus community is invited to join Jessie Minton, Vice Provost for Information Services and CIO, for the next IT town hall meeting:

  • When: Thursday, August 31, 1pm-2pm
  • Where:
    • Knight Library Browsing Room
    • White Stag 149 via video conferencing

Jessie plans to hold town hall meetings about UO information technology on a regular basis. At this meeting, Jessie will provide an update on Transform IT, including the guiding principles and implementation strategy that have been under development.

UO students, faculty, and staff, including IT staff, are welcome to attend!

Next stop: Community engagement

Staff are continuing to develop guiding principles and an implementation strategy for Transform IT. This dual-purpose document will describe the process through which the Transform IT program will be executed, as well as a set of principles for decision-making as services and technologies are transitioned.

The guiding principles and implementation strategy will be the focus of the next IT town hall meeting, tentatively planned for late August. We will provide more details about that event once it’s been finalized.

We’re also in the process of developing plans for engaging the IT community in developing an expansion of the university’s IT governance structure. Details about this will follow soon, too.

Please send any thoughts and questions, on these topics or others, to